Beam Ankr and Accessories

P/N SFIBA-81012
The Beam Anker is a between flange, tension mounted bracket for mounting a wide range of loads on standard, wide flange beams and channel. Use for mounting a wide range of industrial materials up to 162 lbs mounted vertically or horizontally.
Adjustable to fit between beam and channel flanges 8 to 12" wide, the mounting surface is pre-drilled and tapped for standard 3/8"-16 Bolts.
Additional custom fabricated mounting plate and pre-cut strut kits are available for mounting additional apparatus and fixtures.
The Beam Ankr is a new easy installation option for mounting lights, control units, pipe, ducting, junction boxes, emergency supply boxes, fire extinguishers etc.
Disclaimer – the Beam Ankr should NOT to be used as a hoist of any type.

P/N SFIBAM-81011
The Beam Anker MAX is a between flange, tension mounted bracket for mounting a wide range of loads on standard, wide flange beams and channel. Use for mounting a wide range of industrial materials up to 310 lbs mounted vertically or horizontally.
Adjustable to fit between beam and channel flanges 8 to 12" wide, the mounting surface is pre-drilled and tapped for standard 3/8"-16 Bolts.
Additional custom fabricated mounting plate and pre-cut strut kits are available for mounting additional apparatus and fixtures.
The Beam Ankr MAX is a new easy installation option for mounting lights, control units, pipe, ducting, junction boxes, emergency supply boxes, fire extinguishers etc.
Disclaimer – the Beam Ankr should NOT to be used as a hoist of any type.

FLANGE BRACKET KIT - Flange Orientated Mounting Bracket Kit
The Beam Ankr Flange Mount Bracket Kit has a universal bolt design bracket for those items that would be better installed on the flange surface of a beam but where building code does not allow for drilling or welding.
The Flange Bracket has been designed to be installed in vertically or horizontally on the Beam Ankr surface with an offset from the flange of approximately 1.2". The Flange Bracket Kit includes 4, 3/8 - 16 1.5" hex bolts, spring washers and washers to fasten it on the Beam Ankr. Apparatus attachment hardware is not included.

ADAPTER BRACKET KIT- Offset, Two Orientation Options
The Beam Ankr Offset Adapter Bracket Kit is designed for those items that need to be offset further than the surface mount area allows.
The Adapter Brackethas been designed to be installed in vertically or horizontally on the Beam Ankr surface and is provided with 8, 3/8 - 16 1" hex bolts, spring washers and washers ready to install the apparatus onto the Beam Ankr.

12" x 2 pc ~ 1-5/8" x 1-5/8", 12 Gauge Slotted Metal Framing Strut
12 gauge standard slotted channel c/w 4 x 1" x 3/8 - 16 bolts and 4 x 3/8" washers and 4 x 3/8 spring washers
Strut dimensions: 1 5/8" wide x 1 5/8" tall x 12: L, 12ga. thick
Slotted for 1/2" rod and fasteners
Slots are sized for a 1/2" Threaded Rod or Fastener
Commonly used for trapeze supports, seismic bracing, ceiling grids, pipe, conduit, duct and cable tray supports, racks, and other general framing.